Items we Accept List of items We accept Free Items MonitorsFlat Screen TVsCRT TVsRear projection TVsCell phonesDesktopsLaptopsServersE-Readers / Kindle booksIpods / MP3 playersGaming consolesPortable Gaming unitsTabletsChargersGPS unitsCB radiosScannersBattery back upsOffice phonesHouse phonesNetworking equipmentSwitches / HubsRouters / ModemsDocking stationsProjectorsCablesElectric Digital Meter (house meter)CamcordersDigital camerasKeyboard / MiceHeadphonesDLP TVsRadiosVCR PlayerDVD PlayersStereo ReceiversAmpsAudio mixersSecurity camerasSLR cameras Small Fee items Printers / copiersThermostatsPaper shreddersFax machinesLithium-ion batteriesAcid batteriesDrycell batteriesBallasts (w/ PCB & w/out PCB) WE do Not Accept Small or large appliances of any kind